Friday, June 19, 2009

Obama Just Handed Out a Couple Employee Benefits. Here's What He Didn't Do

Now President Obama has signed the Domestic Partners Benefits and Obligations Act, granting some benefits to gay and lesbian federal employees. It's a step in the right direction, yes, but it's not nearly enough.

With Reps. Tammy Baldwin and Barney Frank, along with Sen. Joe Lieberman and Vice President Joe Biden by his side, Obama took time to address discrimination that continues, such as the Defense of Marriage Act, which he claims he'll work with Congress to repeal.

But here's what Obama did not include above his signature:

• An executive order (though Obama called it one), which would make the benefits permanent even after he leaves office, and not able to be easily undone by a succeeding president who simply interprets the the law differently, which his memo allows.
• A direct call on legislators to immediately draft legislation to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act, and then pass legislation that would extend all benefits (such as health insurance) to the partners of same-sex federal employees that Obama says DOMA currently prohibits.
• A demand that legislators move on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act immediately, approving it once Rep. Barney Frank introduces it in the House next week.
• Voice his support for the Uniting American Families Act and reassure gay Americans he will sign the legislation once it hits his desk.
• An apology for letting his Justice Department, among other things, compare gay American families to incestuous relationships.

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