Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Senator Dodd Goes Pro-Marriage

Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd wrote an op-ed Sunday in which he changed his stance from supporting civil unions to supporting full marriage equality for same-sex couples.

"I was raised to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. And as many other Americans have realized as they’ve struggled to reconcile the principle of fairness with the lessons they learned early in life, that’s not an easy thing to overcome," wrote Dodd, who competed with President Barack Obama for the 2008 Democratic nomination. "But the fact that I was raised a certain way just isn’t a good enough reason to stand in the way of fairness anymore."

Dodd said he believed that when his daughters grow up, "barriers to marriage equality for same-sex couples will seem as archaic, and as unfair, as the laws we once had against interracial marriage. And I want them to know that, even if he was a little late, their dad came down on the right side of history."

1 comment:

secret admirer said...

Sounds pretty good. I bet it was hard for him, just like any breeder to accept that gay marriage is something that is here to stay and won't go away. But times change according to the needs of each individual and society and this is one of those important ones. So do you have plans on getting married? Hehehehe.